Joe McKillips, Executive Director for NETS said:
“Our annual NETS Benchmark conference provides a tremendous opportunity for NETS members and sponsor partners to highlight their collaborative efforts with the aim of helping attendees find solutions to their most pressing road safety challenges. With advances in road safety technology continuing to play a major role in addressing risk on our nation’s roadways, sharing best practices and ‘real-world’ applications represents one of the most effective ways to accelerate progress across the fleet industry.”
Although fleets continue to identify reducing crashes as a major focus, data shows that statistics on vehicle collisions remain flat. Combine this with the rising cost of collisions and labor, it is clear that change is needed. And change is one area that UPS knows a lot about and continues to set the bar when it comes to road safety.
Terry Thomas, Director of Global Health & Safety Operations and Technology at UPS said:
“There is no silver bullet to safety. It is a continuing journey we have to stay committed to. However with the continuing evolution of technology, road safety professionals must become fluent with the ever-changing advanced safety features and technology aids in the fleet industry, and use them to advance road safety efforts. At UPS, one way we do this is by the utilization of telematics data to coach and recognize our drivers.”