Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (K3L) are very important aspects in all operational activities. As a leading car alarm company, PT Sumber Mas Autorindo has a high commitment to K3L, because by embodying K3L, the company can not only provide protection for workers, the environment and the community, but also increase work productivity in all areas of PT Sumber Mas Autorindo .

Employee awareness and full management support are important keys to implementing safe company operational activities. At PT Sumber Mas Autorindo, employees are considered important assets whose lives and health are always cared for, protected and used as a barometer for work safety. Based on this, PT Sumber Mas Autorindo makes K3L the main program to support the creation of a healthy and safe working atmosphere and conditions.

The work environment is one thing that is no less important to pay attention to because if it is supported by a conducive work environment, employee performance will be better. One way to create a conducive work environment is to pay attention to the proper separation of areas by area.

PT. Sumber Mas Autorindo

  • Komplek Bizpark 2 Blok A No. 36-37 Jalan Raya Penggilingan, Cakung
    Jakarta Timur 13940 - Indonesia
  • +62 21 29573969 (Hunting)